Walker Moving Image Commissions returns this fall. Artists Kevin Jerome Everson and Deborah Stratman have each been commissioned to create new videos responding to the inspiration, inquiry, and influence of key artists in the Walker’s Ruben/Bentson Moving Image Collection. Everson connects to gospel music and iconic rock-and-roll singer Little Richard in William Klein’s documentary The Little Richard Story (1980) through the African American communities of Mansfield, Ohio, while Stratman incorporates the sound, text, and teachings of Maya Deren in a montage responding to artist Barbara Hammer’s unused film footage. Drawing together an array of footage, photographs, and texts from archival and contemporary sources, the two new works reach into the past to explore contemporary life, art, and creative expression. The new commissions will be available to view online through January 8, 2019 and in gallery as part of the exhibition, Platforms: Collection and Commissions, opening November 15, 2018.