Holy See Pavilion
With my eyes
curated by Chiara Parisi and Bruno Racine
The Dicastery for Culture and Education is taking part, as a Promoting Body of the Holy See Pavilion, in the 60th International Art Exhibition – The Venice Biennale, which this year will be curated by Adriano Pedrosa, entitled “Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere”. The Pavilion is dedicated to the theme of human rights and the figure of the least, tenants of marginalized worlds, where are eyes rarely arrive. It is intended to promote the building of a culture of encounter, a central pivot of Pope Francis’ Magisterium. This desire gives rise to intertwining stories that may often seem alien to us, but which in reality concern us all, because they tell of the same hunger for love, the same desire for life, for affection, the same restlessness for meaning, everything that art has always sought to reflect and represent.
In collaboration with the Department of Prison Administration of the Ministry of Justice, from 20 April to 24 November 2024, the project entitled “With My Eyes” will be presented at the Giudecca Women's Prison.
The artistic proposal takes the words of the Holy Father to the letter, when he exhorts us to come out and look people in the eyes, inviting visitors to pay attention to those realities that are frequently considered peripheral, and which are often excluded from cultural debate.
The Commissioner, Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education, has appointed Chiara Parisi and Bruno Racine as curators of the Holy See Pavilion.
With internationally renowned artists: Maurizio Cattelan, Bintou Dembélé, Simone Fattal, Claire Fontaine, Sonia Gomes, Corita Kent, Marco Perego & Zoe Saldana, Claire Tabouret and, the special participation of Hans Ulrich Obrist.