For this exhibition at Lafayette Anticipations, his first large-scale show in Paris, Camille Blatrix was invited to occupy the top level of the glass exhibition tower, designed by Rem Koolhaas. This transparent space overlooking the surrounding rooftops has something of a penthouse feel, where power and opulence have reached their limit, and must be replaced by other conquests, a possible redemption, or a spiritual, mystical quest. At the centre of this peculiar interior, an ambiguous sculpture — suggesting a succession of high-tech kitchen islands — presents the fundamental elements of life (water, fire, air, etc.) like as many stages in some unknown rite of passage. The space is also dominated by an imposing marquetry panel; a decorative, almost baroque element which hints at a possible presence. As a counterpoint, an influx of light disrupts this static fetishization of objects at regular intervals.