“Les Barrières de l’antique (The Barriers of Antiquity)” is the first solo exhibition in the season “Matters of Concern | Matières à panser”. Artist Camille Blatrix immerses us in the world of artisanship, and fiction. The title is an ironic expression used by latterday artisans (albeit unverifiable, and possibly invented) that refers to the a priori insurmountable barrier of perfection set by the works of Antiquity. Implying as it does an examination of the nature and values of art and artisanship, the concept resonates powerfully with the core beliefs of the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès, as a committed supporter of creative people and a partner in the promotion and transmission of creative expertise. With this in mind, La Verrière’s curator Guillaume Désanges has invited Camille Blatrix – together with his father, a painter turned boat builder – to devise a project shaped by the imprint of their highly stimulating, twofold sensibility.