Goshka Macuga
International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation, Configuration 28, Technology's Awakening: Francis Fukuyama, Ray Bradbury, Aaron Swartz, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, Monster of Frankenstein, Ray Kurzweil, 2016
72 3/4 x 159 x 118 in (184.8 x 403.9 x 299.7 cm)

Goshka Macuga
International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation, Configuration 28, Technology's Awakening: Francis Fukuyama, Ray Bradbury, Aaron Swartz, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, Monster of Frankenstein, Ray Kurzweil, 2016
72 3/4 x 159 x 118 in (184.8 x 403.9 x 299.7 cm)

Goshka Macuga
International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation, Configuration 28, Technology's Awakening: Francis Fukuyama, Ray Bradbury, Aaron Swartz, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, Monster of Frankenstein, Ray Kurzweil, 2016
72 3/4 x 159 x 118 in (184.8 x 403.9 x 299.7 cm)

On the Other Side of Tomorrow, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York
September 15 - October 29, 2016

Goshka Macuga
International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, Configuration 30, End of Time: Andrei Linde, Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Pauli, Paul Crutzen, Carlo Rovelli, Ibn Khaldun, Jared Diamond, 2016
113 x 135 x 118 in (287 x 342.9 x 299.7 cm)

Goshka Macuga
International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, Configuration 30, End of Time: Andrei Linde, Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Pauli, Paul Crutzen, Carlo Rovelli, Ibn Khaldun, Jared Diamond, 2016
113 x 138 x 118 in (287 x 342.9 x 299.7 cm)

Goshka Macuga
International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, Configuration 30, End of Time: Andrei Linde, Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Pauli, Paul Crutzen, Carlo Rovelli, Ibn Khaldun, Jared Diamond, 2016
113 x 138 x 118 in (287 x 342.9 x 299.7 cm)

On the Other Side of Tomorrow, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York
September 15 - October 29, 2016

Goshka Macuga
International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, Configuration 29, End of the American Dream: Noam Chomsky, Jim Jones, Martin Luther King, Edward Snowden, Joe Stack, Donna Haraway, 2016
76 x 88 x 100 in (193 x 223.5 x 254 cm)

Goshka Macuga
International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, Configuration 29, End of the American Dream: Noam Chomsky, Jim Jones, Martin Luther King, Edward Snowden, Joe Stack, Donna Haraway, 2016
76 x 88 x 100 in (193 x 223.5 x 254 cm)

Goshka Macuga
International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, Configuration 29, End of the American Dream: Noam Chomsky, Jim Jones, Martin Luther King, Edward Snowden, Joe Stack, Donna Haraway, 2016
76 x 88 x 100 in (193 x 223.5 x 254 cm)

On the Other Side of Tomorrow, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York
September 15 - October 29, 2016

Goshka Macuga
International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, Configuration 23: End of Art: Guerrilla Girls, 2016
10 1/2 x 130 x 52 in (26.7 x 330.2 x 132.1 cm)

On the Other Side of Tomorrow, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York
September 15 - October 29, 2016

Goshka Macuga
Before the Beginning and After the End: Artists' Systems (in collaboration with Patrick Tresset), 2016
Blue table with vitrines, biro drawings by system "Paul-n" on paper scrolls, artworks and objects
Table: 38 1/4 x 373 1/2 x 45 in (97.2 x 948.7 x 114.3 cm); artworks: dimensions variable

Goshka Macuga
Detail view: Before the Beginning and After the End: Artists' Systems (in collaboration with Patrick Tresset), 2016
Pictured: Richard Artschwager Bookends, 1990